As I write this, there’s a gas shortage in North Carolina. Maybe you’ve heard about it. A pipeline hack led to panic buying and hoarding. Tonight, someone tweeted that 78% of gas stations in North Carolina are out of gas, the worst of any state right now.
Read MoreThe ambient fear of my grandmother’s inevitable death hung over me like deep summer humidity. I knew from a young age how precious our time together was, how fraught the timeline, how scarce the memories would someday be. And all these years later, I still grasp at silhouettes of that summer and they slip through my fingers like rain.
Read MoreTaylor Swift taught me how to talk about differing-gender relationships long enough to get out of my hometown, and later, my college town, a script that allowed me to appear authentic even as I was struggling to articulate, internally, what I wanted out of my life. And for that, I love her.
Read MoreStart with heat, the sensation of warmth between your palms. Move slowly onto light, and colour. Picture the flickering flames between your hands. Will them to be.
Read MoreIt was a day of peaceful but powerful protest and people power. In this author and protest attendee’s opinion, police escalation of hostility was what sparked the violent clashes as the sun went down.
Read MoreSo, we hear that you lot are unhappy? Sure, if you were really that unhappy, you could just leave the country, but apparently everyone wants to follow international law and display the right to protest. While we, at the government, respect your right to protest, we also don’t want to see anyone get hurt. With the help of Priti Patel, Boris Johnson and Emperor Palpatine, we’ve created a handy guide on how to protest without being too much of a bother.
Read MoreYour virtual composite of who you want to be and what you are looking for, your “I’m a straight male, 30s, seeking short term and long term relationships and friends” — I see peppered with us, our memories.
Read MoreWhenever students get too close to me, I flinch. We leave the doors open for airflow because of COVID and I think of my training for active shooters, but you notice there’s no such thing as an inactive shooter?
Read MoreIt’s been a bloody tough year for creators and creatives. So, we wanted to take today to give a shout-out to some of our favourites. Follow them, engage with them, buy their shit. Support them however you can ❤️
Read MoreThe Royal Family’s preoccupation with the notion of ‘duty’ is a ludicrous artefact. Birth should not determine what anyone does with their life, and anyone born into a royal family (also a ridiculous and outdated concept) should be able to walk away if that life doesn’t suit them.
Read MoreWith this guide, you’ll learn how to give ladies the coveted experience of being dated and ghosted by you. All her friends will be jealous!
Read MoreMy whole life has been roots and cherry picking, digging myself up before I was ripe.
Read MoreDouble dutch girls, we never did learn how to be apart.
Read MoreI wouldn’t say that my love for Emily was romantic, but it was not entirely platonic either. I loved her like you can only love your childhood best friends. Some combination of sisterhood and friendship with a dash of romantic love tossed in to confuse things.
Read MoreMy crisis of writing and publishing stems from writing the darkest and most horrific parts of my life, without having processed them, publishing in soon-defunct literary magazines with little to no audience, and getting eight likes on social media as payment. Is this what I should turn myself inside out for?
Read MoreHinge in 2020 brought about a new degree of hysteria within me. And I was not alone. Our all-girls group chat has been alight with a near-constant stream of screenshots. Everything from poorly disguised ‘negging’ to full-blown sonnets. It has been a circus of delights and disasters.
Read MoreHistorians have removed the idea of women as flaneurs for years, deeming their experience of city walking to be limited. Perhaps it was never limited, just different.
Read MoreSitting in front of the GP, a large middle-aged man, I described my symptoms. As soon as I mentioned bleeding, he put his pen down and looked at me. “Are you on your period?” he asked. I’d already told him I wasn’t.
Read MoreWhen my partner's aunt remarks to him how he would be much happier if he were thin – I stop her, look her dead in the eye and tell her that life is beautiful and he should enjoy it.
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