The world is burning, but we don’t really need to turn to nostalgia constantly in order to hide from it.
Moments is a special show. A love-letter to theatre that isn’t inaccessible to non-theatre people. To the lay folks, I’d think it opens their eyes a little to the intricacies of creating theatre. To theatre folk, it’s a beautiful reminder of why we love it so much.
In the age of celebrity worship, biopics face the challenge of capturing the essence of a life on screen. Are they a sincere tribute or a manufactured exploitation?
Thirteen was a foundational film for complex and tender representations of poor women and girls for my generation. After 20 years, it deserves a critical reevaluation.
Five years later, The Boys has run out of sympathy for sexual assault victims and has made them the butt of the joke.
If I’m gay, how could I be possessed by this guy all the fucking time, bore my friends about him, drive myself insane with paranoia over whether he knew how I felt or not?
Opening your phone these days is a bit like playing on a slot machine. You’re in for one of two outcomes: money, or loss. Luxury lifestyles, or dead children. It’s no wonder that we’re desperately reaching out for help in any direction.
In the cold light of Monday, we can all agree that the Oscars are kind of silly, but dammit they’re a fun silly!
There has been a tendency in recent years to conflate the two labels – perhaps as a result of American Liberalism being their comparatively ‘left-wing’ option. That conflation has allowed people who are chronic fence-sitters or who lean neutral to ride on the clout coattails of those pushing for real change.
I don’t think many of us remember every toy we had as children, but I do know that we remember summers playing mermaids at the pool
Sobriety is not a hindrance to connection; rather, it serves as an invitation to engage in deeper and more meaningful discussions.
The plot follows three firefighters that have been tasked with stopping a killer shark from terrorising New Orleans. Pretty standard action movie stuff, right? However, Tommy Wiseau’s approach to storytelling is to ignore all the rules on how to tell a story.